How to Achieve 6 Customer Experience Goals with Loyalty

By Tracy Gattis, Senior Content Manager, Annex Cloud

According to McKinsey & Company, experience-led growth leaders invest in new offerings and experiences—and loyalty data helps inform these decisions to ensure you’re investing in ways that’ll yield the biggest impact. Loyalty is key to your brand’s ability to improve your customers’ experiences while monetizing your customer data in profitable ways.

Here are six ways loyalty helps you achieve your customer experience goals.

1. Know your customers

McKinsey & Company reports growth outperformers are much more likely to know their customers personally. Your loyalty program gives you endless opportunities to ask members directly about their preferences, values, lifestyle and more—collecting unique zero- and first-party data with consent at scale.

Having the order ready when promised is one of the biggest areas of opportunity for ecommerce retailers, ensuring customer satisfaction and repeat business.

- Silvana Daehn, Vice President, Ipsos Channel Performance

2. Personalize and act on customer data in real time

3. Increase engagement

4. Add unique value that goes beyond transactions

McKinsey & Company reports growth outperformers are much more likely to know their customers personally. Your loyalty program gives you endless opportunities to ask members directly about their preferences, values, lifestyle and more—collecting unique zero- and first-party data with consent at scale.

Modern loyalty solutions offer a wide range of engagement options, including social loyaltygamificationreferral programsratings and reviews, and more. These make your customers’ experiences more fun and
rewarding, especially if you incentivize participation.

Your loyalty program is the perfect way to add value between and beyond purchases, creating emotional bonds. Leveraging robust loyalty data and today’s loyalty technology, you can add value through exclusivity, partnerships, early access, subscriptions, convenience—even simple recognition.

5. Deliver a seamless, consistent omnichannel experience

6. Drive growth

The right loyalty platform can be the glue that connects the dots, so you can recognize and reward customers no matter where they engage and shop, plus redeem loyalty rewards through any channel. And integrations push data across your entire ecosystem, enabling personalization at every touchpoint.

Forbes reports that loyalty programs are proven to increase customer lifetime value by up to 30% by increasing frequency and spend per visit and winning back lost customers. And they’re a more cost-effective way to gain new customers through advocacy.

JUNE 2024