Uncertainty and Planning

Cash flow is the lifeblood of any business, no matter the industry or company size; but current economic conditions, such as inflation, labor issues, and supply chain disruptions, continue to challenge cash flow, and in turn, retailers’ ability to plan inventory. Unfortunately, small and mid-sized businesses (SMBs) are among the most vulnerable, as they often don’t have large cash reserves and increasingly struggle to secure access to credit amidst the recent banking industry crisis. As companies navigate the high cost of borrowing in effort to normalize inventory levels, seeking enhanced cash flow solutions through strategic supply chain management can aid in growth. This is why Ship4wd launched instant credit lines (subject to meeting eligibility conditions), fully digitized online payments, and ‘Buy Now, Pay Later’ 90-day post-delivery payment terms that turn the tide on the industry’s antiquated prepayment model—and we expect more companies to follow suit. Ultimately, this helps business owners secure much-needed financial infusions to better strengthen inventory planning without having to worry about costs right away.

Carmit Glik

Chief Executive Officer, Ship4wd

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