Sep 2024


Managing Editor: John Mathews

Senior Writer: Stephanie Kreml

Writers:  Mary Alison, Allison Gillchrist,

Kim Langdon Cull, Connie Yerbic, Elena Borrelli

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As we navigate 2024, the grocery industry finds itself at a crossroads, balancing inflationary pressures with innovative strides in technology. While consumers remain concerned about rising food costs, grocers are leveraging AI and automation to streamline operations, optimize inventory, and enhance the shopping experience. The fusion of online and in-store experiences offers shoppers unprecedented convenience, blending digital ease with physical engagement. As grocery retailers adapt to supply chain challenges and evolving customer preferences, those embracing innovation are poised not only to survive but to thrive in an increasingly competitive market. It’s a pivotal moment for this essential industry.

In this edition, RetailToday is proud to present the "Super 25" grocery chains in the U.S., recognizing companies that continually enhance their capabilities to best serve their communities. These leaders are transforming the grocery industry with resilience and innovation. In the following pages, we explore how the "Super 25" are leveraging technology to drive operational efficiency, elevate the customer experience, and boost profitability. From automating fulfillment centers to streamlining checkouts, mobile commerce, and curbside pickup, these grocers are creatively adapting to new shopper demands and a rapidly evolving competitive landscape.

On the cover, we spotlight Mercatus, now the go-to choice for grocers navigating the complexities of eCommerce. In our cover story, we delve into how Mercatus is revolutionizing the grocery industry by equipping regional grocers with a powerful, flexible eCommerce platform that seamlessly bridges the gap between in-store and online experiences.

Happy reading!

John Mathews

Innovation vs. Inflation: How Grocers Are Winning