Talent Matters: Building Great Careers in Retail

Mecca Mitchell, Senior Vice President & Chief Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Officer, Burlington Stores, Jordana Kammerud, Executive Vice President, Chief Human Resources Officer, Claire's, Theresa Watts, Ph.D., Senior Vice President Human Resources, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, True Religion Brand Jeans, Brandi Douglas, Chief Human Resources Officer, National Retail Federation
Great jobs that underpin even greater careers are the lifeblood of successful retail. In this session leading brands talked about how they champion education, training and collaboration to drive outstanding performance and stellar progression.
Mecca Mitchell, Senior Vice President & Chief Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Officer at Burlington Stores, discussed how Burlington continues to meet the evolving expectations of the workforce. For organizations to be successful in recruiting, retaining, and developing associates, companies must be just as committed to the work of DEI as they are to the words of DEI. Mecca highlighted that the national off-price retailer integrated DEI across the enterprise by implementing a strategic plan and introducing a holistic narrative that speaks to the company's values. They actively listen to associates by leveraging year-round engagement surveys and using those insights to help inform future decision-making. Additionally, they engage its DEI Councils and various Associate Resource Groups to further amplify associates' voices.
Theresa Watts, Senior Vice President Human Resources, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at True Religion Brand Jeans said: Important principles that should guide organizations when identifying talent priorities are investing in future talent, education and employee and community engagement. This builds a sense of collectedness that is inspirational in building an environment that is passionate about helping others build their careers. Prioritizing career mobility and social responsibility allows organizations to build innovative talent policies that respond to societal changes and cultural differences. An authentic and transparent commitment to providing opportunities for growth and exciting careers, while providing a sense of purpose, is pivotal in attracting and building top talent.
Jordana Kammerud, Executive Vice President, Chief Human Resources Officer at Claire's said: Retail is one of the great equalizers in the landscape of talent - a place where you can employ early career talent with no prior experience, and grow it to your most accountable roles. Businesses that win in this landscape are those that are leveraging this opportunity. They are focused on being attractive to early career talent through purpose, values, a culture of learning, and transparent communication. They are equally focused on growing that talent to meet the needs of the business in the future. Additionally, because of the large portion of Gen Zalpha currently entering and moving though the retail workforce, we have the additional advantage of innovating more quickly around the new needs of the generation of our future.